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Stormwater design for Asphalt Plant

Building Consent application and stormwater treatment and disposal for asphalt plant, West Melton, Christchurch


Description: Fulton Hogan proposed the construction of a new asphalt plant at their Miners Rd gravel quarry, near Christchurch. The stormwater discharge consent incorporated strict conditions in order to minimise the risk of groundwater contamination. These included sealing the entire 5.8 hectare site to minimise the risk of discharging contaminants to groundwater, treating all stormwater via a large oil interceptor pond, and disposal to ground via an infiltration basin.

e2Environmental were engaged to complete the building consent application, design the wastewater reticulation, and design the stormwater treatment and disposal (to land) system.


Our expertise: e2Environmental carried out modelling, detailed design of the stormwater system and construction observation. The detailed design included a monitoring and control system to minimise the risk of groundwater contamination occurring if a spill was to occur, and designing the interceptor pond, pumping station and infiltration basin elevated above the site.


Outcome: The new asphalt plant has been built and is operational. The wastewater and stormwater systems are functioning as designed.


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