River Works - Flood Protection & Erosion Control
Flooding is a predominant natural hazard here in New Zealand, and throughout the world. It is an issue that affects both rural and urban environments. With the added pressures of climate change compounding the situation, the issues associated with rural and urban flooding are only going to become more and more prevalent.
Erosion, loss of land, and the resulting deposition of sediment is another challenge when it comes to cohabitating the natural environment with rivers and streams. The staff at e2 have the on-the-ground experience to offer the insightful, honest, and the right advice when it comes river management decisions.
If your organisation needs a thorough hydraulic assessment of a flood protection scheme or if you are looking to design engineered erosion protection works, e2 can service all of your river management consultancy requirements.
Our services include:
• gravel analysis and geomorphologic change assessment
• floodway Level-of-Service assessments
• floodway design
• catchment parameterisation and hydrology assessment
• wave-lap and erosion analysis and protection design
• scour estimation and design
• flood hazard assessment and mapping
• river management strategy and planning
• in-stream structure design (erosion protection, flow control, fish passage, etc.)
• expert witness and peer review