Local Authority: ECan Assessor, Christchurch Northern Arterial

Environment Canterbury Assessor, Christchurch Northern Arterial and Extension ($200M-$250M)
Description: The Northern Arterial is one of the Central Government’s “Roads of National Significance,” implemented by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA). It is a planned new section of motorway from south of the Waimakariri Bridge to QEII Drive, with adjoining links to Main North Road and Innes Road and a 4-lane upgrade to QEII Drive. Connecting to this project is the Christchurch City Council’s (CCC) Northern Arterial Extension (a new section of four-lane road connecting the Northern Arterial from QEII Drive through to Cranford Street), the Cranford Street Upgrade and the Cranford Basin project.
The proposed new motorway is contained within the Styx Stormwater Management Plan area which calls for specific treatment train management of stormwater discharges. Both the NZTA and CCC had to lodge Notices of Requirements and Discharge Consent with Environment Canterbury (ECan). e2Environmental’s Andrew Tisch, was contracted as ECan’s stormwater assessor for the project.
Our expertise: Andrew reviewed the proposed NZTA and CCC stormwater applications and gave expert evidence on behalf of ECan. Andrew assessed the design against best practise guidelines; the magnitude of any localised flooding; diversion of floodwaters in the event of break-out from the Waimakariri River; relevant submissions and the appropriateness of the applicants’ proposed conditions.
Outcome: e2Environmental was able to assess and provide expert evidence on the applications to ECan within the strict timeframes. The public hearing was finished in June 2015 and the resource consents were granted; construction has begun and is expected to be completed in mid-2020.